Swarm has expertise within business sectors to help you and recruiters who have helped countless businesses with support roles over the years. We work with household brands such as National Express and Ofcom alongside a selection of fantastic small, medium and large companies, supporting them in meeting their goals.

General Business Support and Administration Roles

“Recruit for Attitude, train for skill”

We approach our work from a business-first principle; no jargon, talking business sense by recruiters who will understand your business and understand how important great team members are. The gel that keeps things together.

What is a business: It’s the people in it and what they create. You need efficient, trustworthy and competent support staff to support your customers and operations, building your reputation and business.

A recruiter needs to understand the candidate’s motivations and goals for you. We say “Recruit for Attitude, train for skill”. Let the Swarm team find people with the right mindset and approach for your business.

Role Examples:

  • Administration

  • Office Support

  • Reception

  • Human Resources (HR)

  • Project Management

  • Customers Services

  • Sales

  • Apprenticeships and Graduate Scheme

Consultative recruitment: Advice and support by recruiters in the field to help with marketing a role, salaries and how to secure talent through an effective process. Building trusting relationships is crucial to attract and bring candidates through to hire.

Thorough Marketing: We know what works and where to advertise, including main portals and specialist services

Search and Selection: Use our network, technology and experience to confidentially source passive and harder-to-find talent (candidates not applying/looking can make up to 90% of the suitable candidates for a role).

Integrity and Ethics: We are interested in long-term relationships with companies, and being trusted partners. We will have honest conversations about how you can improve and work within clear ethical guidelines.

We don’t directly approach candidates from our client companies. Our recruiters are are output focused, not on getting anybody into a role. We offer a 3-month full guarantee. We go back to most candidates, even if rejected. We work towards great results and a trusting partnership.


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“Sophie was really helpful, professional and treated me with respect. She made the recruitment process a nice and easy one.”

Candidate found a role with Swarm