Tips for Starting a New Job
When starting a new role, it is important to be fully prepared with the necessary documentation to commence your employment. It is important that you ask your employer about the documents that are required to be presented. This will enable you to collect and organise all the necessary documents in advance, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding process.
Plan your Journey
Make sure to plan your route to work ahead of time to avoid being late on your first day. It's crucial to arrive on time or even earlier to make a good first impression with your colleagues. Being late could have a negative impact on how they perceive you. Make sure you have a good sleep before your first day so you can focus on learning and getting the most out of your first day.
Dress Appropriately
Check the dress code policy of your workplace to ensure that you are dressed appropriately. Dressing in a professional manner is expected in most workplace environments, and it is important to be mindful of this expectation when selecting your attire. Adhering to the dress code policy can help you make a positive impression and demonstrate your professionalism.
Make Notes, Listen and Learn
During your first week, it's helpful to take notes while you're learning about the new systems and processes. Bring a notepad and pen, keeping notes will enable you to be proactive and avoid asking the same questions multiple times. It's important to listen attentively and be receptive to new knowledge, including being open-minded about learning different working methods.
Be Professional and Friendly
As a responsible and dedicated employee, it is a good idea to maintain a high level of professionalism within the workplace. It is important to be mindful and attentive to what you say and how you present yourself as you are representing the company brand. Being aware of your surroundings and the people around you is key to creating a positive and productive work environment. Always remember that the workplace is a professional setting.
Can you Silence your Phone?
Consider if you can turn your personal phone to silent mode, as this can be a helpful way to minimise distractions and allow you to focus on your current task or activity with your new employer. By silencing your phone, you can avoid disruptions from incoming calls or notifications.
Ask Questions
When starting a new job, it is great to ask questions that you may have to ensure that you are on the correct path toward success within the company. Asking questions within your first week shows initiative and a desire to excel, while also allowing you to gain a greater understanding of your role and responsibilities.
Remote Job Roles
When starting on a new remote job, it's essential to treat it as a traditional job. Be punctual for online meetings, maintain a professional manner, and promptly respond to phone calls and emails. Even though you'll be working remotely, it's still important to dress and conduct yourself professionally during working hours. Also, ensure you have all the necessary equipment, such as a laptop, provided by your employer.
What to bring on your first day:
· Required Documentation such as ID, P45, proof of address and bank details
· Notepad and pen
· Bring lunch and a water bottle