Preventing and identifying burnout

We are coming to the end of the year - the dreaded “C” word is beginning to be mentioned and the big guy in red is starting to finalise his list of names…The final quarter is underway and summer holidays feel like a distant memory. As we get closer to the end of the year, it is possible that your staff will start feeling the effects of burnout.

As an employer, it can sometimes be difficult to identify burnout in your staff, so here are the main things that could signify that your team is starting to struggle:

  • Decreased productivity or lack of motivation

  • Cynicism

  • Isolating from other employees and/or becoming irritable with others

  • Frequent illness/regular complaints of physical symptoms

  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits

You can prevent and help to ease burnout for your staff in lots of ways but here are a few of our suggestions:

  • Communicate regularly with your team

  • Encourage balance, when people have finished at work encourage them to switch off and disconnect

  • Manage their workload to ensure tasks are spread fairly and as evenly as possible

  • Offer flexible working hours for those who need it

  • Encourage teamwork

  • Acknowledge good work  

It’s extremely important for the wellbeing of your staff to prevent burnout happening as much as possible and supporting them in the event they do become exhausted. There are lots of detailed resources online and your HR department/consultants should also be able to also offer additional support and advice.


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